Your retreat fee will vary based on which retreat you are planning to attend, and whether you are currently a member.
Our preferred way of receiving contributions is by personal check or electronically using the donation button below.
Donations and fees should be mailed to the Seven Thunders’ treasurer:
Jenny Brausch
PO Box 3119
Albany, OR 97321
Checks should be made out to “Seven Thunders.”
If you prefer to pay electronically please tap the blue “Donation” button and enter in your information. Please fill out the “Note” field, especially if you are using the button to submit a retreat fee or yearly membership fee.
Seven Thunders is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that relies on contributions from members and other supporters to cover the expenses incurred by our offerings. Regular contributions help us to keep our sesshin and retreat fees low, so that they can be available to people of all income levels.