Monday Zazen at Stones & Clouds are offered as a hybrid event for both in-person and online attendance via Zoom. If attending online, please join by 6:50pm. Click here to join, and for instructions.
Contemplative prayer sittings are offered as hybrid events on the First Saturday of each month at the Trappist Abbey in Lafayette/Carlton. Check the calendar and for further information regarding Zoom or in-person attendance follow this link .
Please subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date about future offerings, both virtual and in-person.
To see a calendar of upcoming sittings and retreats in the Portland area, click here.
First Saturday at Bethany House at the Trappist Abbey
Seven Thunders organizes first Saturday retreats in Bethany House at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Trappist Abbey in 9200 NE Abbey Rd, Carlton Oregon, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. (Please arrive no later than 8:45 am)
These gatherings usually occur on the first Saturday of each month, but dates can vary. The format is Christian contemplative prayer. The monks of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Trappist Abbey graciously provide the space and sitting cushions (zabutons and zafus).
An orientation to sitting will be offered by our teachers before each Saturday retreat. Designed for those who are new to the practice of sitting prayer or meditation, these 20-30 minute informal sessions will begin at 8:15 A.M. at Bethany House.
See our First Saturday page or this page of the most recent newsletter or upcoming dates and teachers.
Zazenkai at Stones and Clouds
Zazenkai, followed by a study group, is conducted at the Stones and Clouds zendo on scheduled Saturdays, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. They usually occur on the third Saturday of a month.
In addition to formal zazen there will be a sutra service, teisho, and dokusan. Participants are asked to bring their own lunches. Tea and water will be provided. There is no charge for zazenkai, but, if affordable, a $15-20 tax-deductable contribution will help defray the cost of the event.
Please contact Leonard Marcel at 503-636-9009 or via email if you are planning to attend and for more information both on the zazenkai and study group.
Weekly Sittings
Evening or morning sittings in the zazen or contemplative Christian traditions. There are opportunities for private interviews at these sittings when a teacher is present.
Portland-area Sittings
Monday evening zazen from 7:00 pm. to 8:30 pm at the Stones and Clouds Zendo in Lake Oswego. Dokusan/interviews will be offered. Cushions, benches, and stools are available.
Please contact Leonard Marcel at 503.636.9009 or via email for more information.
Redmond Sittings
Monday evenings, 6:30-7:30 pm at 529 NW 19th St, Redmond, OR.
Contact: Richard or Leanne Latterell at 541-923-7607.